




HandLettering goes Cool, CASUAL & creative! Modern HandLettering is…

…the art of drawing letters. Yes, exactly, it’s not about writing or about a nice font, but rather about designing letters. Basically, hand letterers are „letter makers“, a nice word, isn’t it? My own modern lettering style is rather effortless, pretty casual and a bit funky. Do you remember, there were those girls who preferred to be outside and climb trees rather than play with the dolls at home, right? Just the same you can imagine my letterings – I like to combine eye-catching graffiti fonts, unusual bold letters, bright colors, but also reduced black & white style with typical hand-lettering elements. In my youtube tutorials I’ll show you how to create your own stylish modern hand letterings.

Let’s have funky licht & letter!

HandLettering goes Cool, CASUAL & creative! Modern HandLettering is…

…the art of drawing letters. Yes, exactly, it’s not about writing or about a nice font, but rather about designing letters. Basically, hand letterers are „letter makers“, a nice word, isn’t it? My own modern lettering style is rather effortless, pretty casual and a bit funky. Do you remember, there were those girls who preferred to be outside and climb trees rather than play with the dolls at home, right? Just the same you can imagine my letterings – I like to combine eye-catching graffiti fonts, unusual bold letters, bright colors, but also reduced black & white style with typical hand-lettering elements. In my youtube tutorials I’ll show you how to create your own stylish modern hand letterings. Let’s have funky licht & letter!

Let’s have funky licht & letter!

HEJ! Ich bin TINI…

…“the girl on fire“ behind l i c h t and l e t t e r s and I have been working independently as a lettering artist and coach for 6 years. I am currently on a European tour with a new home base every month, just now in the Netherlands. In addition to my creative work, my heart beats for wild flowers, long walks on the beach with my dog, good wine and interior design.

HEJ! Ich bin TINI…

…“the girl on fire“ behind l i c h t and l e t t e r s and I have been working independently as a lettering artist and coach for 6 years. I am currently on a European tour with a new home base every month, just now in the Netherlands. In addition to my creative work, my heart beats for wild flowers, long walks on the beach with my dog, good wine and interior design.


modern handlettering

graffiti style art work

step-by-step videos

lettering tutorials

digital drawing









@lichtandletters modern lettering STYLE

Let’s SPREAD CREATivity!



Graffitini Lettering Online Kurs

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Funky ProCreate Online Kurs

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Sketchnote Beginners Online Kurs

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